Thursday, June 03, 2004

I'm Just Marking My Territory.

Well, that was fun. I spent the better part of my waking hours (not including time spent at work, of course, during which I exist in more of a zombie-like state) washing out my kitbashing fodder. I've got this large collection of action figures and toy pieces that I've amassed with the eventual intention of creating new projects out of them, but I recently noticed that one of our former cats, the late, great Crosswise, had peed all over the storage bin I'd been keeping them in. Well... actually, I didn't notice quite that recently. It was more like about a month ago. Plus, the poor cat's been dead since October. (You can imagine, thusly, how little time I actually spend in my art room.)

It's a full moon tonight. I guess this is the part of our program where I attach all sorts of unholy significance to how people acted today and the way the stray cats outside are behaving and tie it directly to a visible celestial presence in the sky. (If you ask me, there's nothing supernatural or mystical about a full moon. Yeah, I suppose to some small extent, people/wolves/badgers tend to do all sorts of wild and crazy things when the moon is at its brightest. Know why? Because they can actually see what they're doing. Kind of pointless to go carousing through town when it's pitch black outside.)


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